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The Macqwerty Asset Investment Collective No.1 Hybrid Fund is doing well during the stock market downturn

SEOUL, KOREA, October 28, 2022 /-- Fund performance in the first half of the year was good... Fund management fee + investment return on unique assets 'rising'. Macqwerty Asset Management is producing good results by proving stable asset management despite the global stock market and real estate recession.

CAT CARE Pet Water Fountain Provides Ultra Clean Water for Pets

More and more pet owners are beginning to pay attention to the problem of drinking water for their little ones, especially cats. The ancestors of cats are desert animals who do not like water, but drinking less water is not good for metabolism, which can easily cause lower urinary tract diseases, such as stones, crystals, etc. There are also many cat friends who wonder how to choose a water dispenser. With so many water dispensers in the market, which one should they buy?

Give yourself a dream life this autumn: the world premiere of the game “My Dream’s Way” by Elena Blinovskaya to be held in Dubai

Give yourself a dream life this autumn: the world premiere of the game “My Dream’s Way” by Elena Blinovskaya to be held in Dubai.

The most fast-growing and futuristic city of the world, Dubai is to host the world premiere of the transformational game “My Dream’s Way”. The large-scale event starts on October 29, 2022 in Dubai and lasts 3 days. The game is presented by Elena Blinovskaya, a personal growth coach, TV presenter and the creator of popular marathons.

Exmouth music artist Henry Follett to become DJ sensation

Henry Follett is excited to premiere his upcoming official music album called “Close to you” but there’s a catch! According to a recent Instagram post, Sunset Records’ own Henry Jack Follett said if he gets 2000 likes on his most recent post announcing the music album, he’ll release it at the fan’s request! The music album was shot by Jack Bane. The album previews show Henry expressing his true emotion through song. The end result is Henry coming and going to the next big release.


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