You've probably heard from most doctors that masturbation is perfectly normal and healthy. But is it really so? Several studies over the past few years have shown that masturbation is linked to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a hormone directly linked to hair loss.
dangers of masturbation
Studies show that a man's orgasm (ejaculation) leads to an increase in testosterone, which converts to DHT in her, increasing her DHT levels in her body and scalp. At the US National Library of Medicine (National Institutes of Health), scientists measured her DHT levels in subjects before and after masturbation and found that her DHT levels increased in all subjects after masturbation. Depending on your genes, some people may be more sensitive to her DHT in the scalp, which can lead to shrinkage of hair follicles, hair loss and hair loss.
This means that the more he masturbates, the more testosterone in his body is converted to DHT, and the more DHT-affected hair he has. Again, genetic factors play a role, but whether you have good genetics or not, masturbation can have an overall negative impact on your hair. .
how about sex?
According to Tobias S. Köhler, MD, MPH, FACS, an associate professor at Southern Illinois University School of Medicine in Springfield, not all orgasms are created equal. Kohler argues that masturbation and sex do not have the same effect.
Sex has many benefits, such as improved blood pressure, heart and prostate health, and blood circulation (EndHairLoss), but excessive masturbation can lead to poor concentration, poor vision, mood swings, sleep problems, stress, and depression. It may lead to illness.
The study measured the subject's DHT levels before and after sex, as well as before and after masturbation. They found that the conversion rate of testosterone to DHT after masturbation was high, whereas the conversion rate of testosterone to DHT after intercourse was normal. There was no change, but the conversion rate increased after masturbation.
moral meaning of the story
If you have problems with your hair genetics or have hair loss problems, masturbation can cause more hair loss because DHT increases after masturbation. Studies have shown that it does not necessarily increase levels.
Latest solution
Everyone masturbates. It's a guilty pleasure, but it's hard to control, especially for younger people. There is a solution: sex dolls. Many silicone and her TPE sex doll owners claim that having sex with a sex doll feels almost or exactly like having sex with a real person. A worthy option for those unable to find a true partner. Within weeks, most doll owners claim to have developed an emotional attachment to their dolls. dolls can fill that void in many unexpected ways.Combined with a good imagination, having sex with a doll can trick your mind and body into thinking you are having sex with a real person. The DHT levels remained the same after actual sex or increased at a slower rate than masturbation. , sex dolls may be an effective solution for men to masturbate safely without raising DHT levels after orgasm.
If you're already bald, buying a sex doll is unlikely to regrow your hair, but you can still get sexual pleasure while keeping your DHT levels down.
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