News Room

What are the advantages of online wholesale?

Today, online wholesale gives a bunch of opportunities not only to the buyers that get products (and sometimes, even services) for low prices but first of all, for the sellers. Comparing the opportunities of an online shop and a retailer, we see that the first one has more advantages for all. Moreover, it is a tool to provide people with various jobs like movers (yes, this category also!). But what are the features of wholesale trading and everything that is connected with this stuff?

Plastic Fishing Community and Sustainable Fishery Initiative

Welcome to Plastic Fishery, a community project to inform about plastic fishing developments and innovative solutions. It is an global initiative to connect worldwide fishers and global fishery, too. The project will develop and share plastic fishing innovations. We all together can build and establish a complete new branch or market. Plastic Fishing will reform the fisheries and even parts of the shipping sector.
