News Room

We start September with a launch into space with YAEL, a Colombian singer born in Israel who recently also became a presenter of the innovative project

We start September with a launch into space with YAEL, a Colombian singer born in Israel who recently also became a presenter of the innovative project

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A financial firm, Big Money Retirement Solutions, helps people with income planning strategies to achieve their financial goals

Big Money Retirement Solutions is a specialised financial firm by Johnathan Burgess, helping retired and other persons in planning their income effectively. In this fast-growing world, people are looking for suitable ways to expand their incomes that meet their needs. The company is the right place for retirement planning.

The world's first Korean company to take the lead in helping victims of digital sex crimes

A South Korean brand is attracting global attention for its efforts to eradicate digital sex crimes which have emerged as a serious issue worldwide.

Ground.G launched several categories of beauty products, including aroma oils, and is a brand that has already been recognized for its quality, including the safety and functionality of its products, overseas.
