Media & Communications

OPISAS - The point on US economic performance

Milan, August 2020 – The latest data concerning US GDP are raising much attention and interest among international investors. But, very often, they are not properly contextualized and compared to what is going on in other parts of the world. To paraphrase a famous Chinese proverb, one might risk to stare at the “finger” without noticing the “Moon” of an exceptional global situation, as other economies are faring much worse than their US counterpart.

Stankevicius Interactive Media platform release 2.0: More Branding, More Awareness, More SEO, Less Price

New York, 10/01/2019. In 2019 December, Stankevicius MGM officially released Stankevicius Interactive Media platform first beta live. The platform has received a lot of feedback from clients. Now, just after a month of testing, platform is already upgraded to 2.0 version.

In addition to already existing features, 2.0 version includes the following updates:

Stankevicius Interactive Media Beta Version To Launch This December

Stankevicius MGM is launching Stankevicius Interactive Media platform by the end of 2019. The media platform’s beta version will include over 400 global media from all major continents. 

The media platform will be based on a monthly and annual subscriptions, and it will include guaranteed monthly unlimited publications on certain media from the US and Asia.

Stankevicius MGM: Interactive media brokers

Media is a business which makes other businesses become bigger businesses. Media is a voice, a message, a channel to global audiences around the world reaching any market, any industry, anywhere at any time.

Public companies are benefiting from media every single day making their stock price exponentially increase as well as grow their brand awareness in the global markets. Private companies on the other hand, are experiencing a bit of a push back as private business is not as transparent nor interested for majority of the leading media publications and their authors.

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