‘Dear Melina’ is an upcoming short romantic film directed by Cherry Fu and Victoria Radrigan. This romantic short follows a bar-girl as she suffers from her miserable life. The film has 8 minutes to present us with a story filled with romance and it does so effortlessly.
In the beginning of the short film we can see the despair life of Melina, When an individual is in despair, they are feeling a complete loss of hope, usually accompanied by desperation, anguish and sadness. In her life there is no joy and no passion. Instead desperation, anxiety and hopelessness fill her day. Then she finally meets a man named Joseph, which changes her life forever.
This short film is about a women overcoming her sadness with romance. Despair is also a very real, debilitating disorder. It can be as debilitating as depression in many ways. Despair may come and go. Some days are good and generally an outing or event may lift despair temporarily, but in most cases, and without intervention, it returns and can quickly lead to depression. This changes when Melina’s life is filled with love. Love has unbelievable healing powers, this emotion heals all of Melina’s wounds.
Film Review by Ansel Varghese
Director : Victoria Radrigan
Writer : Cherry Fu
Cinematography : Victoria Radrigan
Producer : Ceemedia Productions
Actors :
Audrey Love
Leonty McCarthy
Stefan Bandic
Keanna Bryant
Dear Melina
Watch for free at youtube This Short film Is a great holiday treat
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