Arna Kimiai, who has been catching heat this year for her stance on the Corona Virus and domestic abuse issues, has used the large exposure to rise in the world of sugar daddies. She was known back in Iraq for being one of the most exclusive escorts in her city, charging rich shiekhs and royalty up to $100,000 USD for a night with her. One year later and Arnai is trending once again on sugar websites like here in California.
But this time around, the reason for her adult work is not for fun or shopping money.
Her father was arrested earlier this year on child pornography charges and she has been trying to pay his bail ever since. A close friend of Arnas has told us: "She is really working hard to make sure her father is taken care of. The fact that he is now a
registered sex offender really bothers her."
When speaking to Arna about her situation, she was not hesitant to let us know she was proud about what she was doing for her father, even if it isn't the most respected line of work. "Sometimes I work 6-8 hours a night. Different hotels, different men, but i'll wake up $10,000 richer. Soon i'll be able to help my daddy with his case."
With social media attention from all around the world, Arna, who goes by the Instagram username @keepinupwforegin is wasting no time to get to the bag and has increased her nightly rate on to $10,000 A night.
Arna, who has spoken on her instagram live recently about her reputation, says she has no problem giving men what they want as long as the check size is right.
She is proof for us all, that the American Dream is still very much alive. You can follow Arna on her instagram to keep up with the latest: