Dr. Leesha Ellis-Cox is helping moms relieve stress and extend themselves more grace by offering them her new online self-care course, Motherhood in Bloom

Dr. Leesha Ellis-Cox is helping moms relieve stress and extend themselves more grace by offering them her new online self-care course, Motherhood in Bloom. The course is designed to help moms parent intentionally and is comprised of six modules. This course celebrates the woman who existed before the children, dares moms to replace the traditional notion of sacrificial motherhood with one that reflects modern-day parenting where self-care is no longer a dirty word and teaches moms to pursue health and wholeness. No more pouring from an empty cup.

Dr. Leesha is passionate about transforming the lives of moms who wish to parent effectively but without losing themselves or their sanity in the process.

“I have taken the bull by the horns by showing mothers that they never really lost their identity after having children,” said Leesha Ellis-Cox, creator of Motherhood in Bloom. “We focus on both the mom and the amazing woman who existed before children because our identity does not solely revolve around our role as mommy. The truth is it never did.”

She boldly and loudly calls “foul” on these unrealistic expectations and is raising the bar so that moms no longer feel guilty, weighed down by a never-ending to-do list that puts them at risk for mommy burnout. Dr. Leesha pours into moms not only as a mental health expert and parents but also as a friend who helps women grow and blossom into their best selves. “Happy, healthy moms raise happy, healthy kids! Here’s to helping momma become happy, healthy, and whole!”

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