WIMI Hologram AR & MEGVII's Light Field AI Holographic Face Swiping Brings Innovation To The Banking Industry

Both technology giants and financial giants are embracing the AI technology quickly. Artificial intelligence is showing its capabilities in the financial industry, which is reflected in the rapid restructuring of the financial industry by Ai. The application of artificial intelligence in the current financial business has been very extensive. Artificial intelligence has greatly improved the efficiency of the financial sector, from simple online customer service, financial product recommendations to agilely responded online credit decision engine, quantitative investment and customized smart investment.

Payment by face swiping, personalized recommendation, accurate member management… Today, the financial industry is quietly changing with the integration of artificial intelligence. In response to the long-standing problems of offline counter service business and online identity authentication in the industry, MEGVII launched a Face ID online authentication service based on face recognition technology for remote real name scenes, which can provide users rich authentication service from the end to the cloud, and better improve the efficiency of its business processing and user experience. WIMI Hologram AR’s light field AI holographic face swiping business is also innovating the banking system with a new visual experience.


WIMI Hologram AR’s light field simulation imaging system is to synthesize the images (people and objects) captured by the camera shooting technology in the movie with the main model landscape in the setting box based on the principle of optical illusion. The optical imaging based on the “physical model” combines with the optical imaging based on the “stereoscopic field simulation”, and the moving image captured is superimposed into the scene, constituting film and television images of dynamic and static combination. As a result, it achieves a realistic visual effect of combination and interaction of the “stereoscopic field simulation” and physical model. With three-dimensional sound, light, smell, smoke and so forth, it becomes more vivid.

The digital holographic technology has created an era of accurate holographic technology. With the advent of high-resolution CCDs, photosensitive electronic components such as CCDs have been used instead of traditional photosensitive films or new types of photosensitive media to record holographic applications, and optical diffraction through computer simulation has been used to present images by the digital way, so that the recording and reproduction of holographic application truly achieves digitalization.


The 360-degree light field simulation imaging is a holographic projection technology with magical effects. An inverted pyramidal triangular funnel geometry model is constructed by a holographic membrane, and the video images projected by four projectors merge into a holographic application image after a series of optical diffraction in the funnel, which looks like there is a real object floating in the air. This system can also be equipped with a touch screen, and the audience can manipulate the 3D product model for rotation or component disassembly through various gestures and actions.


AR (Augmented Reality, AR for short) is an enhancement of reality, and the holographic AR is a fusion of virtual images and real images. The holographic AR technology has three characteristics: fusion of virtual reality, real-time interaction and three-dimensional registration. Among them, the three-dimensional registration is one of the most important features. Three-dimensional registration (also canned three-dimensional registering) puts emphasis on the correspondence between computer-generated objects and real environment, and the three-dimensional position and size of virtual objects and real environment must be perfectly integrated. The goal of this holographic technology is to put the virtual world in the real world and interact on the screen. The holographic AR technology brings the computer into the users’ real world, and enhances their perception of the real world by listening, watching, touching and smelling virtual information. With the improvement of the computing power of mobile communication products, the application of augmented reality will become increasingly wider.


The holographic AR technology integrates the information of real world and virtual world “seamlessly”. It simulates and superimposes the physical information (visual information, sound, taste, touch, etc.) that is difficult to experience in a certain time and space of the real world through science and technology such as computers, and applies the virtual information into the real world to be perceived by human senses, thus achieving a sensory experience that transcends reality. the real environment and virtual objects are superimposed on the same picture in real time, or coexist spatially.

Relying on the artificial intelligence technology and advanced visual technology mastered, WIMI Hologram AR, MEGVII and other technology-oriented companies are trying to provide software and hardware integration and AI systemized solutions. Behind it is the burden of commercialization and accelerated realization of AI.


MEGVII has begun to get involved in the AI innovation applications in the field of mobile devices. As one of the earliest artificial intelligence companies to enter the AI mobile intelligent terminal industry, MEGVII is the industry’s leading provider of mobile phone AI solutions, and has already achieved deep cooperation with domestic mobile phone enterprises, such as Huawei, Xiaomi, Vivo, OPPO.


The technology research and development of WIMI Hologram AR aims to meet the needs of customers and its own business development. it is based on computer graphics image processing technology, and takes the AR holographic technology as the core. WIMI Hologram focuses on computer vision holographic cloud service. It is one of the largest holographic cloud industry integrated entities in China with the largest scale, the most complete industry chain and the best performance. It aims to become a holographic cloud platform with the most potential and the most international influence.


WIMI Hologram covers many links of holographic AR technology, including the holographic computer vision AI synthesis, holographic visual presentation, holographic interactive software development, holographic AR online and offline advertising, holographic ARSDK payment, 5G holographic communication software development, holographic face recognition development, and holographic AI face changing development. With the one-stop service capabilities, it has grown into one of the largest providers of holographic cloud integrated technology solutions in China.


WIMI Hologram has made major breakthroughs and leapfrogging development in holographic application fields such as advertising, entertainment, education, and 5G communications. It aims at the in-depth research and development and market application of holographic 3D computer vision collection, AI synthesis, transmission, presentation and application. It is also committed to constructing a scalable and open service platform, building a bridge between holographic technology application and holographic computer vision presentation, achieving the presentation of the application of holographic computer vision in different scenes, and promoting the leapfrogging development of the industry, in order to realize the vision of WIMI Hologram, “become the creator of China’s holographic ecology”.


Different companies embracing AI need to determine their own AI transformation strategy based on their financial strength, technology and other comprehensive strengths. This is indeed the case. Whether it is the “no card” identification of members on the counter, or the personalized exclusive service provided by the bank, or the payment by “face swiping”, “AI+” is transforming every link of finance, turning traditional finance into a new model.


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