Curing Cancer Using Flavonoids is a non-commercial site that provides you with all the necessary information about discoveries made concerning the cure for cancer. This cure takes an average of 1 – 2 weeks no matter the stage of cancer you are ailing. This miracle cure is made of quercetin, vitamin C, E, and free radicals.

How It All Works and How It Is Possible

Quercetin or Flavonoids is an oxidant, which neutralizes free radicals and in turn converts them into radical molecules. Quercetin can neutralize four radical molecules and convert them into a radical molecule with four radicals.

This then attaches itself to a DNA molecule and because there is no water, it continues as a radical molecule. When the cell splits, water approaches this molecule. This reaction causes the OH radicals to die.

Normal cells constantly repair their DNA right before cell division. This causes elimination of the flavonoid molecule and the normal cell left unharmed. For cancer cells, they divide before reparation their entire DNA and so they die off. A flavonoid molecule can be termed as a bomb that explodes if not removed before the cell tries to split. The cancer cells that split before separation die off because the ‘bomb’ was not removed. The cell explodes when the cell attempts to divide.

Normal cells split after the reparation removing the bomb and thus continue to survive. Cancer cells that do completely repair their DNA before cell division they are no longer cancer cells but normal cells because they wait a long time before cell division. Normal cells that did not fully repair before cell division can pass on the mutation to their daughter cells.

Therefore, flavonoids eradiate only the cancer cells leaving out normal cells.

Normal cell -> completely repaired -> flavonoid bomb removed -> cell divides normally. Cancer cell -> not completely repaired -> flavonoid bomb explodes -> cell dies during division. Cancer cell that completely repairs = normal cell.

Patient Testimonials

 Sylvia L is a patient who had 4-lung cancer that had destroyed her lymph nodes. Only after 2 weeks of following, this protocol all tumors were completely gone except for one benign tumor. CT scan showed these miraculous results!

Patrick D started Quercetin + Vitamin C + green tea (not recommended to start within a week of the start of therapy) on Friday 14 Jun. He had stage 4 bladder cancer. Then, Monday 17 June to his greatest surprise there was no blood in his urine anymore. 22 Jun a preliminary test showed no cancer, but Patrick had to wait about a week for the cell culture test. 5 July the report came back from this test. It was all clear. Cured within 2 weeks!

Jim B started taking green tea extract right away. He did not dissolve Quercetin + Vitamin C in water as well. Instead, he took a capsule of green tea extract and Quercetin + Vitamin C + Vitamin E right away. He did that on 11 April. He had skin cancer. Then, when he woke up 12 April, he noticed that the skin on his face had shrunk in height. He said that he noticed fast results. Unfortunately, we lost contact with Jim, so we do not know what happened to his cancer since that time.

So, what are you waiting for? Get in touch with us today!

Media Contact: 

 Steven Chang
Anonymous email:
Phone number: +31685060088
Zuid holland, Rotterdam (Netherlands, europe).