Cashbex ICO, cashback and loyalty service

The global decentralized ecosystem, through which the interaction between various brands and manufacturers in different parts of the world goes, is based on Blockchain technology. Cashbex is a unifying system that represents a specific network for the cashback and loyalty market, based on block chain technology.

This system is focused on the needs of society; it contains the social component of the Cashbex model, which is professionally designed to meet the highest standards of interaction between business and consumers. Here, users can be assured of the complete safety and reliability of all types of brand and purchase data. Thanks to this, all actions take place safely, taking into account existing promotions, discounts and programs.

Cashbex simplifies the scheme of cooperation between the buyer and the seller. If you need a high-quality way of interaction between businesses and consumers, which stimulates traffic, - choose a cashback and loyalty service.

The loyalty program is designed in such a way that the user can quickly move up through the levels, thereby increasing the size of the cashback.

At first glance, this may seem almost impossible, but you should not forget that with an increase in the cashback rate in the loyalty program, the rate of reaching new levels increases, as the cashback percentage increases along with the accumulated cashback amount.

Benefits for our customers

The scheme of our work is simple and transparent. You can track all the stages in real time. Bonuses from cooperation with us are quite obvious to our customers.

* Get guaranteed income from every purchase and use Cashback and Loyalty Points every time you make a purchase. Start using your customer points right now;

* A universal, effective platform that gives the client special advantages when shopping at their favorite companies, and also increases brand awareness with the help of targeted loyalty programs and cash back to the consumer’s pocket;

* Increase your customer base and accelerate sales with minimal financial investment by analyzing Cashbex consumer behavior, as well as analyzing each consumer’s data and other indicators that increase trust and loyalty to the brand.

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