AmmbrTech and Verif-y Announce A Hierarchical Self-Sovereign Digital Identity Framework

AmmbrTech and Verif-y’s teams have been working together for over a year and have jointly developed a comprehensive and groundbreaking solution that bridges the need for secure digital identity for humans, companies and machines. The framework strikes a balance between privacy and efficiency to enable simplified use and exchange of identities with validated counterparties in the real world.


Philadelphia, USA, January 28, 2018: Since 2017 AmmbrTech, Inc. “AmmbrTech”) and Verif-y, Inc. (“Verif-y”) have been conceptualizing, testing and developing a functional framework, utilizing proven cryptographic and development principles, Blockchain technology, and business processes to facilitate functionally anonymous and secure interactions between humans, companies and smart devices.


The framework satisfies the path of ownership and connections between companies and machines and the individuals who own them. Simply put, the actions of companies and machines have consequences for their owners, including ownership of earnings, as well as legal repercussions for bad behavior. The framework provides an elegant governance control layer, driven by a combination of cryptographic interactions and smart contracts, that largely automates the rights and obligations across the relationship hierarchy.


The framework will be deployed and tested as part of the roll-out of Ammbr mesh routers and IoT devices in India this year. AmmbrTech has been selected by SmartwareTechnologies Pvt Ltdfor an infrastructure deployment that will span across 53 cities, and more than 15,000 villages in Maharashtra Province, India.The expected rollout will cover an area with an estimated population of 35 million. The number of Ammbr devices to be rolled out under this agreement is expected to be in the region of 100,000 devices.Ammbr is currently engaged in advanced discussions with other entities in Asia and Africa, increasing the scope of the digital identity solution enormously.


Verif-y will provide onboarding and attestation infrastructure to support the need for identity verification. In effect router operators and clients of the network will create their own identifiers, in the form of private and public key pairs, and unverified certificates of compliance, wrapped up in user-friendly processes. They will then submit the public keys and certificates of compliance along with legally required documentation to independent third parties that have the necessary authority to check and verify the provided credentials. A digital signature from the third party will be registered on the blockchain, along with a hash of the now verified certificate of compliance and the public key.


Subsequent interactions by individuals will allow them to present their public keys and certificates to their counterparties, who can check that authoritative verification was performed by checking the public blockchain registry.


In the same way companies and machines create identifier key pairs and derived certificates, linking them to their owners in a hierarchical framework that allows the verifications and identity of owners to cascade, and legal obligations to flow upward.


Service providers will have programmable API access to the Ammbr decentralized identity layer, allowing integration into a multiplicity of services, without the need to build parallel identity and authentication infrastructure.


“Our decentralized telecom model incorporates networking as well as a financial layer. This means it is also subject to the conventional problems that beset the Internet in general. However, creating and enforcing a secure identity framework creates the rights and obligations we expect in the real world, but which have been lacking on the Internet until now,” says Derick Smith, CEO of AmmbrTech.


Ed Zabar, CEO of Verif-y believes this is a logical maturation of their business. “We have been building capabilities for almost three years, and our identity verification and compliance services have been proven with multiple customers across the globe and in different verticals. The partnership with AmmbrTech to create a platform that could ultimately underpin large parts of the Internet, while creating a fully decentralize, user managed and controlled identity solution, is central to our core beliefs”


About Verif-y, Inc.

Verif-y is a pioneer in securely creating and managing users and digital identity. The Verif-y platform allows for secure and secure digital identity verification process.


About AmmbrTech, Inc.

AmmbrTech develops and distributes decentralized telecommunications and edge computing technologies.