In the beginning God created man and made him a sexual creature craving sexual gratification. He instilled in him an incessant need to procreate whenever his whims dictated occasion or circumstance. That sexual creature that God created, he made prone to impulsivity. He then took pity on his lonely creation and created woman. God neglected however, to inform man just how troublesome these bitches would be; how soul-crushing, self-esteem destroying, and mental health challenging they would ultimately become.

A delight or a nuisance throughout the ages.

To some men they're an inspiration, a muse that provides nourishment for creative soul (many a great love song has been created because of woman); to others they're a cause of angst and turmoil, both mental or otherwise. And that is the pretext for this article.  

Let me preface what I will say now by asking the question, "Aside from gratifying men's sexual or companionship needs, or the propagation of the species... what are women good for?"

Let's break them down into managable bite-size chunks, exactly what women are in order to burst the feminist bubble once and for all.

Women are:

A simple species...

A fickle species...

A sycophantic species...

A materialistic species...

A species of irrationality...

A species with a profound lack of accountability due to social convention...

A species characterized by an overall naievity, endearing optomism, borderline stupidity, and confusion in purpose and gender...

A species with an overestimated sense of ability derived from the aforementioned naievity...

A weak species prone to mood changes at the slightest provocation or change of season...

A subjugated species looking to overthrow the master but cannot because monkey cannot replace human except in the works of fiction, nor Devil replace divine creator. They simply lack the strength and faculties, physical, emotional, intellectual or otherwise...

A species with an infioriority complex similar to that of Mexicans in America...

A species harbouring a longing or obsession to be patriarchs, when their genetalia overrules it. In other words, a species longing for a penis of their own...

A species created as a test for the man...

A species that is Kryptonite to any strong real man's Superman...

A species with selective amnesia when it comes to acknowleding who put them onto the game in the first place; who taught them the ways of the Samurai if you will!

Women think they are the center of the universe... they are NOT!

Women think they control the streets like Mexicans think they control the streets... they do NOT! Women think they are smarter and more intelligent than men... they are NOT! Just another telenovela delusion perpetuated by female forebearers equal in delusion, and then solidified in the female psyche by butch lesbians and husband-less women.

Feminists deride and even shame men into thinking that they're oppressing women, when they know damn well that it was WE that gave you the freedoms you enjoy and taught you the wisdom you criticize us with. It was WE that taught you to drive and handed you the keys and the license, so you can pose and posture. WE gave you the vote.  WE taught you about your own bodies and invented the tampons you use every month. WE invented the pill and the high heels you parade around in. Men created everything around you and we were here before you. Men are responsible for every bit of knowledge you've accumulated. Whether it's psychology, sociology, geology, geography, pediatrics, pharmacology, engineering, meteorology, astrology, political science, and just about everything you can think of, including those tampons I mentioned... WE invented it!

Women are the weaker species and thus the weak must use smarts and cunning to get ahead. To that end women have been very successful; a skill honed over hundreds of years, thousands even. And those of them who don't manipulate on their back with legs spread, manipulate by means of mind games and guilt trips. They express feelings, give ultimatums, etc, etc, etc...

So let me bring this thing to a conclusion by asking you women honestly... what have you done to validate your existence, aside from child birth? What has emboldened you so as to rise up and demand the reigns of control and power when you are clearly ill-equipped to do so and know very well that a slave can never replace its master!

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