He is Corey Bowen: How Bitcoin and Blockchain are Changing the Economic World

photo_2024-10-10_01-12-02In today's rapidly evolving economic environment, Bitcoin and Blockchain technology are changing the global economic landscape in unprecedented ways, and Corey Bowen, a renowned economist and author, is one of the key drivers of this change. His book ABlockchain: How Bitcoin and Blockchain are Changing the Economic World - Discover the Secrets to Cryptocurrencies! has been a global hit and has become a must-read for many readers who wish to gain a deeper understanding of cryptocurrencies. It has become a must-read for many readers who want to learn more about cryptocurrencies.


Corey Bowen graduated from Harvard University with a B.A. in Economics and Philosophy and furthered his education with a PhD in Economics. He began his career at McKinsey & Company in 2006, during which time he gained experience providing strategic and commercial insights to a wide range of clients.

In 2015, Bowen turned to the emerging field of blockchain technology as a visionary financier. His investments in blockchain and related businesses, such as ОКCoin and Tezos, have yielded significant returns, with profits exceeding 100x by 2018. These successes made him not only famous in the financial world, but also provided a solid foundation for his later writing.

In addition, Bowen is committed to providing free financial planning services to families and individuals who want to ensure their wealth continues to grow and help them manage their unique financial situations. His expertise and practical experience make his guidance in this area particularly valuable.

Through Bowen's efforts, more and more people are beginning to realise the potential of Bitcoin and blockchain technology and their importance in the future of the economy. His books are not only summaries of theory, but also practical guides to help readers find their way in the complex world of cryptocurrencies.