Krushley: Dating & Friends CEOs Sam & Alex Manns Become Youngest Couple Tech Billionaires

Sam & Alex Manns, the visionary CEOs of Krushley: Dating & Friends, Have achieved a remarkable milestone, becoming the youngest Couple of tech billionaires Ever. This achievement is a testament to their dedication, entrepreneurial prowess, and commitment to creating a positive impact on society.


USA - In a world where loneliness and disconnection are prevalent issues, Sam & Alex Manns recognized the need for a solution. In response, they embarked on a journey to create a platform that fosters meaningful connections and tackles the issue of finding meaningful relationships. The result of their vision and hard work is Krushley: Dating & Friends, a revolutionary mobile application designed to build a community of individuals seeking friendly relationships and companionship.

Unlike traditional dating apps, Krushley: Dating & Friends goes beyond romantic matchmaking and embraces the broader concept of human connection. By providing users with the opportunity to request dates and initiate meaningful conversations, Krushley has emerged as a game-changer in the industry. The platform caters to younger adults, who often experience loneliness and seek avenues to form genuine connections with like-minded individuals.


We Are incredibly excited about the potential of Krushley to make a positive impact in people's lives,” said Sam & Alex Manns, the CEOs of Krushley. “Through this platform, we aim to create a supportive community where loneliness can be overcome, and lasting friendships can flourish. We want everyone to experience those butterflies we feel for each other. Relationships are about love but also the sad and funny and tough & crazy moments as well. At Krushley we stand out from other dating applications because we don’t care about money like Tinder & Bumble. We care about connections. Its not just about women & its not just about man. Its about 2 people connecting together because they want to build either a friendship or relationship. Many platforms don’t focus on the connecting of people in a positive way aspect. Krushley will be the BEST dating and social media application ever created and there will never be another one like it.”


With a background of ten years of marketing, advertising, and application development, they has honed their skills working with prestigious companies like Google and YouTube.


Krushley : Dating & Friends success has led Sam & Alex Manns to become the youngest Couple tech billionaires while inspiring couple everwhere. The dynamic duo met in Destin, Florida, and their partnership has been instrumental in shaping lives ever since!

“With our marketing partners like Ecomdy & other supporting capital companies and business partners we hope to lead the dating space in a positive way!” said Sam & Alex Manns, , the CEOs of Krushley.

As Krushley: Dating & Friends continues to grow and thrive under Sam & Alex leadership, the world eagerly awaits the positive transformations this innovative platform will bring to countless lives. The Krushley team remains dedicated to empowering individuals to build lasting connections, making strides towards a more connected and fulfilled global community.


Download Krushley: Dating & Friends:


Available on Apple IOS & Android