directoapp Inc CEO JC Rolison Talks Building Blockchain Technology

When JC Rolison founded directoapp Inc, he had his heart set on helping people in impoverished countries earn more money. After a personal experience, he saw an unmet need which led to a great opportunity. A chance to impact millions of peoples lives using Blockchain technology. What started off as an investment strategy, later became an open path to solve a problem. Blockchain technology won JC’s heart when he saw the endless possibilities of what the emerging technology could achieve.

As a previous founder, JC wanted to do something massive. “I really want to set our company apart from the typical marketplace using traditional methods. We have a system that will help millions of people. Our technology allows transboundary shoppers, and freelancers to control their personal data, privacy, user anonymity, and faster smart contract transactions, with fewer fees. directoapp ensures freelancers will earn more for their services, and receive their funds within a much quicker time frame. It is a new time, pay should reference the work not the location.”

JC seems to have found a solution to offer fewer fees, and freelance pay inequality, to help freelancers earn equal international pay. The freelance market is growing, and currently there are more than 1 billion freelancers worldwide. Over the past few years there’s been much debate in the freelance community over inequality in earnings.

“Investing in cryptocurrencies was where it all started for me. I did not know the backside of the technology. It all clicked when I hired a freelancer for a side project. The gentlemen requested to be paid in crypto. We went back and forth over his request. Mostly due to lack of understanding on my behalf. As he explained more in depth, I finally saw his point of view. See, most platforms will take twenty percent of the funds from the freelancer, then charge the shopper an additional twenty percent on top of their purchase. In America, that does not sound like a lot. In Nigeria, or Venezuela that twenty percent is felt. So I did my research and compared both methods. The freelancer was right, and after sending the transaction using Binance, I was amazed with the fast and inexpensive process. My fee at the time was twenty-two cents to transfer, with a thirty-four second delivery time. It was a discovery moment for me, for sure, then I understood the backside of Blockchain technology. I became obsessed with the Blockchain protocol, and its achievable probability. It was clear for me, the technology gives individuals cross-border a better opportunity at life.”

JC’s Web3 company is building a multi-platform ecosystem, beginning with their freelance marketplace directoapp. Blockchain technology delivers the necessary tools for directoapp to offer low fees, global workforce equality, and international pay to individuals in underprivileged countries. A solution achievable through smart contracts leveraged on the blockchain. 

“I remember speaking with our team for the very first time about the possible switch. I personally went back and forth on the idea for a few weeks. My heart led me to do the right thing. The right thing is to open more opportunities without barriers. Ultimately, Blockchain has given us an edge to add change into the world for the better.”

One of JC’s passions is bringing awareness to the tech industry as an Afro-American founder. There are under one percent of Black founders in the tech space. “Four years ago I knew nothing about tech. I really got into tech by default. After entering into the industry, I realized there were not many people in my community in this space, let alone leading. There needs to be more understanding, and programs offered for inner city youth. I had no knowledge of how, or what to do to learn. Where I grew up, there were no people who were into this field. Even now when I go back home, I feel like an outsider. This has to change.”

JC plans to start a program to help inner city kids excel in technology. He would like to also venture into the investment side of technology using Blockchain technology. I wish the directoapp Inc team the best of success, they really have a great project. The directoapp $DRTP network powering the multi-platform ecosystem is really interesting. 



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