Governor Phil Murphy(NJ) and Senator Fred H. Madden(NJ) Help with EEO Filing In High Profile Case

Involving Rymir Sattertwaite, Lillie Coley and Shawn Carter Jay Z

Phildelphia, Pennsylvania  - Dr. Lillie Coley on or about May 26, 2021, filed a complaint against the New Jersey Court system such as New Jersey Supreme Court, Appellant Judges, and Trial Judges(Camden County), alleging she experienced discrimination, harassment, retaliation based on a class during her ten(10) year paternity turned fraud cases.  For these cases involves Shawn Carter aka Jay Z and involve both family court matter and civil law matters.

To be clear Dr. Coley originally filed an EEO complaint regarding her allegations in 2017 but it was never responded to.  That’s right the EEO office of the New Jersey Administrative Office of the Courts(AOC) ignore her complaint filed in 2017 according to Dr. Coley.  So, just recently filed again notifying her Governor, New Jersey Attorney General, and State Senators.  Governor Phil Murphy did respond by opening an Inquiry to make sure her complaint is filed and responded to.  The same is so with State Senator Fred H. Madden.  As of the date of this notice, Dr. Coley has not heard anything from New Jersey EEO Office.   This is not the first New Jersey Governor to step in to help as former Governor Chris Christie sought to help Coley get court files on appeal from the AOC but AOC ultimately still ignored her request.

Coley filed with the NJ Supreme Court, claiming she was denied Court services and due process.  However, she was denied her Petition to Review from New Jersey Supreme Court allowing the lower courts to continue to impose blatant disregard for human rights in a high-profile case. 

Coley reported these alleged incidents to various Arms of State such as the Attorney General’s office, who failed to follow up. From 2012 to the present the law firms and corrupted Judges went back with illegal orders to cover up no due process and fraud upon the court with continuous violations of a denial of Due Process, etc. Discrimination occurred with the intent to cover up the alleged illegal rulings.  “Money appears to be the Motive,” says Coley’s complaint. As multiple Arms of the State have been contacted such as American Bar Association and Judicial Misconduct committee over the years but neither has been responsive or the request has been denied for unfounded reasons.

The complaint names New Jersey Supreme Court, Appellant Judge Richard S. Hoffman, along with many other Judges who participated in allegations of cover-up over the last ten(10) years.  Coley believes she was been discriminated against based on Class as she is not rich and her gender.  Coley had to submit to New Jersey Courts while the male party did not have to submit which is discrimination.

No Due process occurred or fact-finding on disputed facts involving this high profile case which caused allegations of fraud on the court from 2012 to the present. Even after the defense attorney admits they Misspoke in 2012 regarding some of the allegations of jurisdiction fraud as documented in the Philadelphia online case. These alleged false narratives continued since the court allowed it which caused continuous violations of damages for ten(10) years.

Nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. U.S. Const. amend. XIV.

"They did not take Coley’s concerns seriously.”  The New Jersey Judiciary appears not too committed to creating an inclusive and supportive court environment where people of all backgrounds are treated with respect."

The allegations in the complaint include:

  • New Jersey Supreme Court Judge Rabner refusing to allow due process of court procedures from 2012 to the present as it relates primarily to NJ Property Deeds. This and other egregious and in-human acts towards Coley warranted a deeper probe of her Civil Rights allegations.  For the entire ten(10 years there has not one(1) hearing of fact-finding or discovery.
  • Coley having to submit to laws of the State of  New Jersey through property ownership while a  male party did not have to submit to the same laws when they also own New Jersey properties causing Coley monetary damages.
  • Appellant Judges litigating VOID orders as final while denying full, faith and credit for certified sister state orders with DNA attached. This is a denial of her Civil Rights and Honest services.
  • Denied Court Records on Appeal while the male party receives the same records.  Also, denied Court Services such as filing Motions to correct court errors done to her on purpose or maliciously.
  • Denied full, faith and credit for sister-state order as demanded in our Constitution while allowing Judges to bypass normal procedures Rule of Law to deny Coley of court orders so attorneys could file altered Court Orders and documents at which Appellant Judges did nothing but encourage.  A Police Report was filed.

Coley has asked for help for these outrageous actions of the court from U.S. Supreme Court in Writ Certorai involving her family court matter.  The Civil Court matter is still pending in the courts and the delay is based on outrageous actions of the court in allowing tainted records and transcripts as a part of a final proceeding along with no due process nor fact-finding.

In a separate Civil law matter, Rymir Satterthwaite along with his mother Wanda Satterthwatie filed a complaint with AOC with similar allegations such as Trial Judge calling Wanda’s home after she had heart surgery to be negative towards her.  Rymir Satterwatite also has Writ Certoria filed with U.S. Supreme Court.

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Philadelphia Familes Liberites Union(FCLU)