Messages from Mom Launched - Live Virtual Mom App That Brings Back Stability to Grievers

Messages from Mom announces the release of a first-of-its-kind mobile app designed to help grieving persons cope with the loss of their beloved mom. The app bravely attempts to serve as a virtual assistant mom, giving users a quick chance to get back on track after what is usually an unforgettable experience.


As Leroy Brownlow once said, “Mother is the heartbeat in the home; and without her, there seems to be no heartthrob.”


Grieving the loss of a ‘super’ mom can compel affected persons to miss their daily routine, meal patterns, and disrupts their lives in several other ways. Suddenly, being without mom’s messages, encouraging words, reminders, and good wishes can set even the most dedicated person several steps backward.


“What we’ve built is the closest that grieving persons can come to remaining virtually, and spiritually connected with the demised mom.” said Messages from Mom CEO, Coretta Logan. “Early feedback is overwhelmingly positive, and we are poised to see how our solution helps diffuse the pain of grieving individuals and families,” she added.


After the initial setup where users provide key information such as their nickname, birthday, hobbies, and wake-up time, the virtual mom app takes up the motherly role of serving timely reminders and encouragement to keep the user organized and fully on track.


Losing a mom can be a painful experience, and grieving persons need all the comfort they can get to cope with the situation before it becomes unbearable.


Child grief statistics show that nearly 2 million children under age 18 have lost their moms, with many not even getting a chance to meet them. For adults, psychiatrist Dr. Nikole Benders-Hadi admits that they “may remain in the denial and anger phases of the loss for extended periods of time … [leading to] diagnosis of major depressive disorder or even PTSD, if trauma is involved.”


The Messages from Mom virtual mother app is designed to offer needed relief before such adverse effects sets in. Through interactive texts and pictures, the app delivers words of encouragement, birthday wishes, reminders, inspirational quotes, and motivational messages that the person needs to move ahead with life.


The app officially rolls out on Android and iOS devices today, with the MM team excited to gather feedback from another crop of early users. Beta testers say the solution satisfied their expectations by over eighty percent, and it will be exciting to learn what the wider community thinks.


Messages from Mom hopes to further improve the app’s interactive experience, providing the trusted companionship that grieving persons need to imperfectly cope with their loss, and not miss out on life.

About Messages From Mom

Messages from Mom is an innovative approach to dealing with an almost inevitable challenge – coping with the loss of a mom. Although grief is inevitable, the team behind MM believes that regular comfort and companionship are key ingredients to help affected persons deal with the bitter experience.


Being able to deliver this soothing relief through a virtual and fully interactive application is a contribution that many bereaved families are finding helpful for young and old alike.


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Media Contact: 

Messages from Mom
P.O. Box 82026
Baton Rouge, LA 70884