Has the Pandemic created a new barrier to helping people with Addictions?

World renowned Neuro-linguistics programming (NLP) trainer, philanthropist and author comes up with new strategy to deal with addiction problems during the Covid-19 pandemic

Recent events have caused new and unexpected issues with addiction. Treatment centres closing, AA and 12 step meeting shutdown, access to therapist limited. Dr. Will Horton, World leading Neuro-Linguistics programming (NLP) trainer and author of the ground breaking book "The Alcohol and Addiction Solution" has developed cutting edge solutions to help people overcome their drug addiction with online treatment courses.w

www.aasolved.com​ is the world's first online addiction treatment platform that provides you with cutting edge solutions for your alcohol addiction problems by Dr Will Horton who is a world renowned neuro linguistic programming expert with decades of experience in psychology, hypnosis and traditional methods to cure alcohol addiction. 

A Licensed Psychologist, Certified Alcohol and Drug Counselor, and Master Hypnotist, Dr. Will created the Alcohol and Addiction Solution Program to help people regain control of their lives by changing their relationship with alcohol.

You will not be asked to make any changes until you are ready, empowered and feeling good about it. Deprivation causes stress and pressure which lead a person to drink more. The point is to get the information in a positive and optimistic state of mind - so you will never be asked to make any changes in your routine unless you are ready for it.

The Alcohol and Addiction Solution Video program includes 12 modules of recorded videos.

It is a self paced process you can start whenever you are ready for it and work on your speed.

No guessing or religion. This is a logical, scientifically based approach. You will study the psychology behind your passions, holding firmly to the latest psychology and neuroscience. You will understand your unwanted desires, and how to get rid of them before you are forced to feel compelled to do something.

With the right tools and guidance anyone can overcome alcoholism, like most of the people do as well as you can also treat your drug addiction by just sitting in your home and focusing on the guidelines of Dr Will Horton, who pledges his entire life treating alcohol addiction.

The closure of businesses and states across the U.S. due to the COVID-19 epidemic has been stressful, costly and challenging for many.

But restrictions do not affect everyone equally. The most vulnerable are those with drug addiction problems. As schedules become disrupted, medical and mental care reduced, the COVID-19 epidemic may endanger their recovery.

Risks to people with alcohol addiction include reduced access to health care, housing insecurity, and excessive incarceration. Limited access to health care puts people who are addicted to a higher risk of many illnesses, but if hospitals and clinics are under pressure, it is likely that people who become addicted - already marginalized and dissatisfied with the healthcare care system - will experience greater barriers to COVID-19 treatment because of the lockdown.

For many people who suffer from addiction, the strongest step to recovery is the first step: to recognize that you have a problem and decide to make a change.

The Alcohol and Addiction Solution is a 12 step self-learning program based on a scientific method that has been helping people break free from alcohol addiction.

There are various evidence-based approaches to treating addiction. Dr Horton take the best from each of a new approach to this old problem. A particular type of treatment or combination of treatments varies depending on the individual needs of the patient and, often, on the types of drugs they use.

This program can help to encourage people to participate in drug treatment, provide strategies for dealing with drug addiction, teach ways to avoid drugs and prevent relapse, and help some people cope with relapses.  

Dr Will Horton is available for interviews. Contact ​drwillhorton@gmail.com Or   941 468 8551