Shajeel, an Immensely Talented Artist, Show Us a Portrait of How a Society Views Woman

Shajeel Rehman is ready to launch his new masterpiece in 2020, which will be held in one of the biggest art galleries in New York. Shajeel Ur Rehman, has caught the attention of global supporters of feminine gender.

Yet another headline makes its way to the frontpage of the national newspaper. "Woman alone on the streets at night assaulted." This is just another regular news, with all the objectivity that the story demands. All the facts and statements covered. Whereas, in a middle-class household, on the breakfast table, as the head of the family starts reading the newspaper, he falls silent at the word 'assaulted'. Why? Because it's a taboo to be discussed in front of his wife and kids. But what he discusses in front of his family is the fact that the girl was alone on the streets at night.

Anyone sees where the problem lies? It lies in the perception of people about women. And what's worse than their perception is the unnecessary information stated on the top of the national newspaper's frontpage in bold letters. This shifts the attention of the reader away from the actual issue to why the woman was alone at night. It was a matter of a few words to validate her assault. It was her fault that she didn't take a male guardian with her at such an odd hour.

The deeply embedded roots of Patriarchy

A society where patriarchy is practiced even before a child opens its eyes in this world. Where the baby shopping doesn't start until the gender is revealed, because pink is strictly for girls and blue for boys. Where a girl is not even allowed to choose what she wants to study or if she studies at all. Where a young female is considered safe if she takes her barely 12-years-old brother with her to the nearby shop rather than going all by herself, and later in life when she finally decides to go against the norms set by the men of her family and live her dreams, she is killed by her baby brother in the name of honor. Even the idea of the arrival of a female child is enough to bring tears of resentment in the eyes of the mother of that unborn baby who has already suffered enough due to her forced marriage and occasional demands of dowry. That's when the domestic violence begins.People talk about gender equality in a society where even food is not distributed with equity between a daughter and son. Patriarchy in this society is the vulture which has been feeding on the female oppression and objectification.

The hold of patriarchy on this society is immemorial. It has existed for such a long time that its roots are embedded so deep that it has become a norm and is being passed on to generations after generations without a question or doubt. People have become so innate to oppression that they don't pay any heed to it since the idea has been normalized in all these years. So much so, that an unopinionated woman is the perfect woman as per the social standards. An Asian female is perceived as a person without an individual voice, who needs male validation from her choice of clothes to her career.

Objectification- The Fate of Women

From the daily conversation over tea in a mediocre household, to almost all sorts of media, women are objectified in one form or another. A woman is viewed only as a symbol of sexuality. That's the only perception of women in the society. Blame the patriarchy or the lack of awareness, this issue has been prevailing since decades. Perhaps people need to start viewing women as humans rather than some object. The idea of a working woman is disturbing for most parents due to growing harassment incidents at workplaces. When going for a business meeting, or calling to close a sale, or simply greeting the visitors at any workplace, recruiters prefer a female employee as they sound pleasing  and look attractive, making it easier to lure in customers.  Gender specific positions are fairly common and women are often abused by their supervisors in different ways.

Media is no better when it comes to the portrayal of women. The dynamics have been changing gradually, but still there are many loopholes. From women appearing in a men's shaving kit advertisement to displaying famous female entities in unsophisticated way to run campaigns in the mainstream print medium, women are still being objectified. Media works as a coin when it comes to women empowerment. One side supports the idea by highlighting the achievements of strong women. And the other side; the ugly side of it, gives people reasons to think that a woman is the sole responsible for her lost dignity. The perception of a person is developed at a very early age and media plays a very important role in affirming it further by portraying women as nothing but objects of male satisfaction.

Decades Old Fashion of Female Oppression

Women are taught to believe that if a man lays hand on her, then she must rethink her choice of words. If a man harasses her, then she must reconstruct her behavior. If a man rapes her, then she must reconsider her choice of clothes. And all this while, she must stay quiet and endure everything wearing a smile as if it's nothing but a bright sunny day even though there is a strange turmoil of emotions inside her. It has been in practice for so long, that it's not just men who dictate someone what to do, the women of the society play equal part in shaping someone to be 'socially acceptable' as a woman. Patriarchy is not just in the hands of men; it is in the mind and thought of women of the society and that's what needs to be changed.

The only way to break this chain is through education and awareness. Female literacy rate is touching the bottom-line yet there is no one to question it. The curse of patriarchy is so strong, that even if a woman tries to question her position and existence, she is silenced by none other than her parents. To understand this issue, and raise voice against it, one must at least admit that whatever's happening to the women of this society will bring nothing but destruction. The visionary artist Shajeel has a soft corner for women all around the world and understands these issues like nothing else. He is the man with a loving soul in the world full of beasts. This immensely talented artist, painted a portrait of how a society views woman as merely sexual objects. Female oppression is not just a trend but a lifelong fashion in a society which breathes on the command of Patriarchy.

Rise of Feminism

The position and portrayal of women in the society seems like a bittersweet symphony in this age specially. With the NGOs and 'elites' talking about women right and raising their voice on women empowerment, they are also met with a great deal of criticism. From their ideologies being criticized to be too modern, to their identities being considered as shameless, it's all about how this cause is deviating the plain jane daughters of mediocre households from being on top of the 'social standard' pyramid towards rebellion. 

Feminism is rising slowly, like a bird with wounded wings, yet sparking the hearts of millions. The determination to get equal rights and breaking the chains those were holding these empowered women back for ages, is slowly but steady. But there is a lot that needs to be changed. The biggest factor that needs revision is the mindset and perception of people regarding feminism and matriarchy. At this stage, feminism stands at the point where it is considered as a taboo to even discuss. When it is discussed, it narrates the wounds inflicted on women by men with bruised egos. Women need education and awareness so the next generation is not raised based on the difference between pink and blue, rather more meaningful, and insightful basis.

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Company: Shajeel Ur Rehman

Contact: Shajeel Rehman
