Blockchain x Land,“Upload Real Estate to Cloud, Download the Security and Value”

Taiwan UNISON and HK High Wave create Cloud Land

Debut of SOLO Coin! A cryptocurrency with backing of 40 billion NTD land value

(Taipei) According to “2019 Global Real Estate Market Outlook” report, the trading amount of commercial land in Taiwan has reached 119.3 billion New Taiwanese Dollar (NTD) for the first quarter of year 2019, issued by CBRE. The trading volume has increased 70% comparing the whole year of 2018. Taiwan real estate transaction has been a prosperous market.

The “UNISON Developing Group(國統開發集團)”, which has built several well-known construction projects such as WEGO Boutique Hotel(薇閣精品旅館)and Xinyi Star(信義之星), is now cooperating with the “High Wave Technology”, which the company concludes experts in various of digital and technical fields especially in blockchain, both of the companies create a new concept which is named “Cloud Land”. The concept combines the value of lands and blockchain technology and provide the security to all the investors. UNISON is going to provide a 52 hectare land which is valued 40 billion NTD as a collateral trust, which will be the base of a new cryptocurrency named “SOLO Coin(威力幣)” High Wave will issue 0.2 billion SOLO Coins and the value of coins is equal to a 6 billion NTD land which is offered by UNISON, the land is known as “EMBRACE LAND” which is located in the northern part of Taiwan. At the media conference “Upload Real Estate to Cloud, Download the Security and the Value” held in May 30th , both companies signed the “strategic cooperation MOU” and was witnessed by the lawyer in front of medias and nearly 150 guests.

SOLO Coin features on the combination of technology and property, will be the one with characteristic of trust, stability and to defeat the inflation. Each one coin is supported by equally land value and the holder can claim the value back anytime. Therefore, the SOLO Coin can be implied as “Cloud Land”, and to satisfy every investors.

一張含有 個人, 室內, 牆, 桌 的圖片自動產生的描述

Blockchain x Land ! Taiwan UNISON and HK High Wave create “Cloud Land” :

Both of “blockchain” and “cryptocurrency” are on the high tide currently. J.P. Morgan was just issuing JPM Coin early this year. Not only J.P Morgan, Microsoft, Google, AWS, IBM, and Oracle are all joining the blockchain party and try to share this big pie. Even the most popular social network website Facebook is planning to issue their own cryptocurrency. Fintech (Financial Technology) now is starting to show the bright side to the world. “High Wave Technology” is devoting in the integration of blockchain and property and now is in alliance with “UNISON Group” to create the “Cloud Land” by using blockchain tech and by issuing cryptocurrency. High Wave Chief Consultant Dior Wu stated: “through the new concept of “Cloud Land”, we combine the tech of blockchain and property together. SOLO Coin will have both meanings of investment and usage. Despite the coin itself, SOLO Chain will become a bridge which is connecting the cryptocurrency and the reality usage. That is what our prospection and what are building now.”

一張含有 室內, 牆, 個人, 電視 的圖片自動產生的描述

SOLO Coin is becoming the only one cryptocurrency with collateral trust with property value:

UNISON is going to provide a 52 hectare land which is valued 40 billion NTD as a collateral trust, which will be the base of “SOLO Coin”. High Wave will be also offering the performance bond as security deposit. All the process will be audited by third party and by the assigned lawyer. The UNISON CEO Mr. Chen Sheng-Yuan(陳盛元)stated: “SOLO Coin will be the landmark if comparing other blockchain projects. It will protect investors both in keeping the value and in avoiding the risk of exchange rate. At the same time, it will conceal investors personal information and have a handy value transfer process by using the smart contract. SOLO Coin will be the representative of cryptocurrency as having characteristic “trust”, “stability” and “defeat inflation” .”

As like the design of Gold Standard currency, each SOLO Coin stands on the value of properties, such as land. The holders will be having the guarantee of the value. That is also giving SOLO Coin three advantages. 1. Handy transfer without the restriction of borders. 2. The value is stabile and will be increasing smoothly. 3. SOLO Chain will become the reality field for cryptocurrency usage. At the same time, SOLO Coin will be implemented in all kind of transaction.

一張含有 室內, 個人, 牆, 團體 的圖片自動產生的描述

At the media conference “Upload Real Estate to Cloud, Download the Security and the Value” held in May 30th , both companies signed the “strategic cooperation MOU” and was witnessed by the lawyer.  # Left to right: High Wave Technology- Chief Consultant: Dior Wu / Chang Ling Law Office- Lawyer: Jessica Zhuang / UNISON Group- CEO: Mr. Chen Sheng-Yuan

Guests were invited from China, HK and Singapore to join the debut of SOLO Coin. # Left to right: ZBCCM- CEO: Annie Hu/ ABA and ACE Exchange market- General Manager: David Pan/ Soar Exchange- CEO: Seth Lim/ Chang Ling Law Office- Lawyer: Jessica Zhuang/ High Wave Technology- Chief Consultant: Dior Wu/ UNISON Group- CEO: Mr. Chen Sheng-Yuan/ HKEX- Market Development vice-president: Zhou Xiao-Ying/ ZBCCM- COO and Merck Capital: Guo Lu-Dong/ Sep Capital- Co-founder: Angus Huang

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