Diazepam is a medical preparation used to treat some neurological and psychiatric diseases. It is usually put in such areas in practise:
* neurology and psychiatry (anxiety disorders such as psychopathy, neurosis, paranoid and hallucinogenic state);
* cardiology (myocardial infarction, angina);
* ane sthesiology and surgery (preparation used before the operation as induction anaesth esia);
* obstetrics and gynecology (premature birth);
* dermatology practice (eñzema);
* ad antic onvulsant (combine therapy in epilepsy treatment);
* a ss muscle rel axant.
What is important, is that diazepam treatment might be strictly controlled by doctor, as uncontrolled using of tra nqu ilizers may cause the addiction.
In medical practice also using such dosage forms of Diazepam:
* pills;
* solution for intravenous injection;
* solution for intramuscular injection.
So that Diazepam should be taken intravenous (IV), intramuscular (IM), or by ingestion.
If a patient has some critical condition, it is priority to use Diazepam IV or IM, but when it gets better, doctor should appoint Diazepam pills. Effect of using Diazepam treatment comes after few minutes in case of using it intramuscular, and it takes 30-40 minutes after intravenous injection. Therapeutic effect comes in 3-10 days.
Mode of application and dose of diazepam is setting individually, despite of patient's age, state of health, sensitivity to the preparate. It is also might be put on for kids uper the age of three. For older persons it should be a half d ose at the beginning of the therapy with gradually increasing the amount of the cu re.
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