Internet Privacy Simulator in the works

A new game is in the process of development. The game is named PRIVASiM, letting the players play as an internet company and collect the users’ data to be sold to prospective buyers.


Recently, it has launched its prototype version of a new simulator game called Privasim. It is a kind of simulator game that have not been in the world before. In the game, the players take a role as the owner of an internet company that does many efforts to collect the private data of its client. Some data that are considered internet privacy in this game are including the phone records, bank transactions, browsing history, and criminal records. Sure, since they are considered data privacy, there must be oppositions from those clients. Those become the challenges of the games.


The idea of the game may come from the internet phenomenon nowadays. It is the fact that the internet and social media users need to submit their personal data to access some platforms. Meanwhile, there are also some well-known issues recently regarding the leakage of internet users’ personal data including the case of Snowden, Wikileaks, anonymous and more.


How to play the game? The main concept is that the players try to mine everyone’s data and those data will be sold to prospective buyers. The main goal is to improve the company by passing through the levels available. To control the game, the players can use some following buttons; W to move up, S to move down, A to move left and D to move right.


Although the game seems to be very promising, there is now only the prototype version available, made with html5 platform and Unity. By playing the game, the players will help the developer improve it. The DarkPlaceGuy, as the developer, intends to make some improvements related to the storage of users’ data, multiplayer availability, single player area expansion, and enabling the players to upgrade the company’s technology; buy subsidiary; check the value of the users’ data; add users’ data types including the phone records and bank details; and manage the company’s finances.


For the development, DarkPlaceGuy needs support from the game lovers, not only in the form of playing the prototype version but also fund. The fund donation can be made via transfer at Meanwhile, there may be some bugs and glitches coming out while playing the games. It is wiser if the players are pleased to directly tell the developer.


About DarkPlaceGuy

DarkPlaceGuy is a game developer. The featured product is Privasim, a simulator game about data theft done by a company. The game is unique and different from some small games that have been developed by this developer before. Therefore, the developer is expected to develop this game more for the players’ satisfaction. For more information about the game, please visit


Media Contact: 

Name: David Cajilig
Company Name: PRIVASiM
location: Philippines