Travel is never a displacement that happens in geospatial space. The word itself carries too much meaning.
It can be a process of challenging the unknown and enjoying the unknown; it can be to relax and simply indulge in the beauty of the world; it can also be an escape from the horrible immediate world, escaping from reality... Everyone goes to travel, his purpose is Time is unspeakable, pluralistic, and complex; there is no such thing as a simple and clear reason. Because of this, travel is a vocabulary that is almost as good as it is; it is mysterious because it is outside of reality; and because travel is more about pursuing spiritual exile, it is a bit of a "luxury."
Some people just want to escape the cruel reality. Because of the human body's own protection mechanism, people tend to stop feeling pain, pursue happiness, and let people belong to a comfortable state. This is almost animal-like, and it can be irrelevant. However, the way to stop suffering is to face difficulties and to face difficulties; there are also escapes and avoidance. The displacement of the space in the space is good for reducing the pain. In the face of difficulties, travel can't solve the problem, because you still have to go back and face it. It is the best way to face setbacks.
We all yearn for poetry and distance.
In addition to the fact that there may be some factors that attract you in the distance, it is also related to the repulsion accumulated in our daily life. The unchanging and tired living environment will make us feel that the world is getting smaller and smaller, and the skylight of life gradually Dust, bleak, travel, turned into a way to breathe free air.
Media Contact:
Jack Yan,
Weden Technology Consulting Co., Ltd.,
Nevada, Tonopah