Volunteering your time can uplift others

According to Crystal Moore, volunteering at the Kids Ministries at Mountain CC as a is a rewarding experience for her and the children. Crystal Moore believes Kids are the next generation of the church and through her selfless teachings of faith and love, will encourage children to inherit this with emotional stability. She hopes more people will join in to help volunteer at Mountain CC.


Children are a gift from God precisely because they are an investment. This isn't because parents should expect something in return from their kids, but because as one participates in raising children, it produces something of worth. Faithful motherhood or fatherhood is one way God instills significance. The Psalmist confirms that a man in his grown age will not be intimidated by his enemies when he has persevered as a parent. This verse is not only about the blessing of children but about the actual process of parenting. Childrearing produces a confident legacy for faithful moms and dads. Therefore, we should make note that parenting should take time and effort, especially if it should one day produce something of value. (Hannah, Rebekah (2017, May). How Are Children a Blessing). Retrieved from https://ftc.co/resource-library/blog-entries/how-are-children-a-blessing


Crystal Moore also helps in showing children how to understand self-esteem and belonging. Self-esteem helps young developmental minds boost courage to be confident, innovative and unique. With love and self-esteem, children believe in themselves and have a greater likelihood of personal success throughout adolescence and adulthood.


How to Build Your Self-Esteem

Try these steps:


Make a list of the things you're good at. Can you draw or sing? Are you a good reader? Are you good at a sport? Do you tell a good joke? If you're having trouble with your list, ask a parent or friend to help you with it.


Practice the things you do well. Think of ways you can do some of the things you're good at every day. Turn "I can't" into "I can!" Does the little voice in your head tell you "I'm no good at this" or "I can't do it"? Or "It's too hard for me"? That's you thinking badly about yourself. Decide to change your mind. Think, "I can give it a try," "I can handle this." Think, "I'll give it my best." Think, "I'll ask someone to help me do this."


Try your best. You can feel good about yourself when you give something a good try. When you try hard, your self-esteem will grow.


Spend time with people who love you. Do things you enjoy with your parent or family. It helps you know you belong. And that builds self-esteem.


Pitch in. Do nice things for parents. Help with meals, clean up, or feed the pet. When you do kind things, you feel good about yourself. (Lyness, D’Arcy (2018, June). Self- Esteem. Retrieved from https://kidshealth.org/en/kids/self-esteem.html)


Visit https://mountaincc.org/ learn more and volunteer with Crystal Moore


Crystal Moore

Entrepreneur / Last Stylist / Beautician, Philanthropist, Writer, and Marketing Communications expert.


Graduate from University of Maryland at College Park, concentrating in Public Relations / Communication, followed by an A.A. in Marketing from Community College of Baltimore County (CCBC). Acquired a Lean Six Sigma Green Belt certification from PMI, and an Agile Scrum Master certification from Penn State. Marketing and Communications Sustainability Coursework Harvard University.


College Tenure leadership and involvement: CCBC Business Organization (President), MD Skycroft Leadership Camp (Mentor), Students in Free Enterprise (S.I.F.E) Member, Int'l Education Tour, NASDAQ, Federal Reserve and World Bank Conferences (Host CCBC). Member of the American Marketing Association and Scrum Alliance.


Volunteer Teacher at Mountain CC Kids Ministries; Silent Auction Sponsor to Nicole Van Horn Foundation, supporting Children with developing stages of Cancer; and volunteer support to the American Cancer Foundation, Fight Night, Cure for Children, Susan G. Komen, St. Judes, BARCS and Washington Humane Society.

Media Contact: 

Crystal Moore
Company: Crystal Moore
P.O. box 44295, Nottingham, MD 21236. Contact number to use is 443-330-2066. email antonio@seohelpnow.com