Who said Cold War was nowadays over, with the triumph of liberalism and massive globalization ?

It seems like the conflict between Saudi Arabia and Qatar is one the few modern war that rejects this common but wrong idea. Over the past few years, these two countries have been paying several communication- expert firms to win the moral war, especially in Europe. In France, Qatar had especially resorted to lobbyists from a cabinet whose name is RIVINGTON, operated by Laurent LOTTEAU and Sophia AILANE to implement public affairs strategies.

As a former legal officer from Interpol, Sophia AILANE had been working to change the image of Qatar, notably to publicly raise awareness about the possible entry to Saudi Arabia to the International Organization of the Francophonie. Even if lobbying is a small business in France, it’s very questionable to see how war these war between these two countries can go.

Mrs Sophia Ailane – 2017 - Washington

Over the past few years, economic plate-forms such as Uber have been bypassing their social obligations towards workers of interest by not protecting them enough against risks at work. The EU Commission is right now thinking about how dealing with these loopholes, emerging some good practices and cooperative ways to see clearer about the statute of these workers that are not either salaries or independent. Sophia Ailane, public affairs consultant who works especially on this subject, reckons that the French government is willing to implement some positive changes, notably with the creation of a plateforms’ social charter that encourages the latter to protect their workers better. Even if it’s not binding, this charter has been drafted with all the stakeholders concerned. The charter is to be soon discussed by the parliamentarians.