Jenna Longmire releases feel good love song in time for Valentine’s Day.

As a follow up single to “The God I Knew,” “Intention,” was literally a labor of love for Jenna Longmire.  Penned solely by the Americana singer/songwriter, this song spoke of the love she knew one day would find her. Longmire says this regarding the inspiration of her song. “Intention was really about calling in "the one" even though it was written in present tense. I am finally ready for that. I wrote the song a few years ago and have been through a lot of big changes and losses since then and needed time to heal. A soul mate is worth the wait.”

Jenna survived a near fatal car crash and the unexpected heartbreaking death of her father. These experiences are reflected in the thought provoking soulful songs she writes.  Being a creative person, Jenna loves to incorporate other arts into her projects.  She invited her friend and artist Susan Hildebrand to create the artwork for the song.


"Jenna Longmire's done it again!  Her deep, bluesy alto voice pulls us into her world of emotions, low and slow and grinding through high and shy and shining.  The tasty arrangement and organic production complete with jangly guitar, horns and tambourine is a perfect match for her voice and songwriting -- Americana meets Motown/Soul.  If you like good music, you'll love "Intention."

~ Gwen Holt, Singer-songwriter, musician


"This song cuts through life with a piercing breathe of restoration and completeness. It’s pure Jenna." 

~ Chuck McDowell, Singer-songwriter, musician


"Jenna is clear as a bell on this song.  I feel her spirit come through her music and her words.  I love this song because it describes a beautiful, innocent, almost instantaneous intimacy with no overtones of expectation. Beautifully done on all levels."

~ Tia, Energy Healer, Consciousness Guide


Intention is now available on iTunes, Amazon and CD Baby.  Find how more about Jenna by visiting her website and make sure to like her on Facebook.


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ITS Promotions
Donna Nolan-Wilson 615-684-2072
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