Cryptocurrency startup 'TuneTrade' explodes in popularity! Now with no ICO needed. Now they're about to disrupt the blockchain world even more…

This isn't your typical story of a blockchain startup, in every way imaginable.

The path usually taken clearly hasn’t led to enough positive results to make the case that it’s a mistake to go another way - with that in mind, they threw out all the rules when it comes to launching a new token, and the project behind it.


For example you probably immediately thought 'ICO' upon reading the words ‘startup’ and 'token’.. but no, there will be no ICO.


Then surely, it's safe to assume they must be making the rounds pitching their concept to VC's, doing a standard 'series A' round of investments... but no, everyone on the team is too busy building to be distracted with that right now.


Okay, then this must just be something that's so early in its development it's nothing more than a "concept" and a bunch of hype, with a 50/50 chance of ever even happening… but wait... it’s already here! Public beta testing has already began - anyone can try it right now!




When I say they've thrown out all the rules I wasn't kidding, and that doesn't stop with how TuneTrade planned their launch - it continues into what TuneTrade actually is.


TuneTrade's platform is rich with powerful tools, and they’re putting them into the hands of anyone who wants them. This isn't an exaggeration, we're talking about something that can fundamentally change the entire landscape of the cryptocurrency and blockchain world.


Until now, even the vast majority of people who would consider themselves ‘expert cryptocurrency traders’ wouldn't know where to begin if you asked them how to create a cryptocurrency token themselves.


The day TuneTrade launches, that changes forever.


TuneTrade transforms the process of creating a token into something so easy that any brand, artist, start-up, or individual that wants one of their own can do it in minutes!


If you believe the future is tokenized, TuneTrade is a massive leap towards this theory becoming reality.




To the TuneTrade user, all that power is hidden behind a sleek and easy to use interface.  The complex process of writing a smart contract and creating a token becomes as simple as naming it, deciding how many to create, and filling out the additional metadata like the author and website to associate it with.


Then, with the push of a button TuneTrade works it's magic, seconds later, you've created your own cryptocurrency!


Don't let the simplicity fool you, this is the real deal - an ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain! The creator also maintains full ownership and control over all of their tokens.




TuneTrade could have stopped at the token creation tool and still launched with plenty of excitement.


Need to issue a set amount of tokens to someone on a specific date in the future? Maybe a long term partner you need to send 1000 tokens to per month for the next 12 months?  TuneTrade users have the ability to schedule it all, and consider it done!


Last but not least is that big question that can make or break a token - “how can I get my token on an exchange?”


Well, TuneTrade IS also an exchange  -  all you need to do is list it!




TuneTrade can be used by literally anyone - the music world just presents the first and most obvious use case.


Today's modern musicians, record labels, and their management are no strangers to digital/virtual goods. Implementing cryptocurrency into a business and culture that's been selling MP3 files instead of CDs for quite some time is a natural evolutionary step.


From the cool-factor of fans owning and trading official artist coins, to marketing purposes such as artists offering token based rewards for purchasing their music or merchandise, along with ways to then spend those tokens, and enjoy special benefits for being a token holder. This is the superfan of the future.


But music is just the beginning - Tanyone who can come up with a way to use a cryptocurrency can have one.




Beginning with a rock solid foundation that is  TuneTrade's team, and community.


The TuneTrade team came together in a variety of ways, from meeting years ago working at previous jobs in tech, to standing in line next to each other at blockchain conferences.


Here you find TuneTrade’s secret - a self sufficient team with every skill needed from coding and engineering, to marketing and logistics - TuneTrade’s core leadership is comprised of experts in their respective fields.


This means all bases covered - without hiring a single outsider.


As the project grew it was often as simple as identifying what needs to be done next, and someone saying 'I know the perfect person to do it' - one phone call later, the team would have a new member!


While everyone involved has some past successes of their own and necessary expenses can be covered with private funding, TuneTrade’s real funding is the same currency that built Silicon Valley - blood, sweat and tears.


Think back to the early days of our modern tech revolutionaries, powered by coffee and food delivery, grinding away until the sun began to rise the next morning.  The same determined and focused mindset can be found within TuneTrade.




For a project that hasn’t even officially launched yet, TuneTrade’s growth is downright incredible.


TuneTrade TXT Token held in 75,000+ wallets.

Over 90,000+ users in their telegram channel.

Nearly 8000 Twitter Follows.




Official Launch as the site goes live and the platform moves over to the main Ethereum blockchain!


Official TuneTrade anthem song by the Coin Bros.



Media Contact: 

Ross Davis
