Fung Shui 2019 Forecast is now available at has just released a detailed feng shui forecast for the year 2019 (Year of the Pig).

The Chinese calendar, also known as a Hsia calendar, symbolizes 2019 the Year of the Pig, with two characters that represent two elements. The Yin earth Chinese character sits on the Pig character, which is an element of the water. This indicates that 2019 will be the year of the earth with Earthly branch water surmounted on top by Heavenly stem earth.

When you consider the cycle of destruction and birth that is the overview of the relationships between elements it is possible that this is an indication of a year that may have some conflict. It was seen in the year 2015 with wood over earth, then in the next two years with fire over metal in fact. 2018 though had earth over earth which saw less conflict and more peace, for example, North Korea's peace talks with the US.

2019 has another destructive cycle with Earth conquering Water. Whereas usually, that would indicate another year of conflict, this year is different. Yin Earth is like 'Mother Earth' with a mild and gentle nature. When someone is born on a day of Yin Earth he or she grows up to be more peaceful, philosophical and often a humanitarian. Around such people, there is an atmosphere of more harmony and less struggle. These are people who are less stubborn, more considerate and more likely to compromise. As well as small relationships being improved it impacts on international relations too. 2019 should be a year of further steps made towards peace.

Remember though that the yin earth element is sitting not on something solid giving it a strong foundation, it is on water. This means the peace is fragile, there will be undercurrents of unrest and there will be hidden hostilities still. This could indicate 2019 will see assassinations, unrest, and terrorism around the world.

On a more individual level, you can expect people with water and wood elements in their astrology to be more at risk than those without them. Those born under the Monkey and Snake are going to be at odds with each other. The Tiger, Goat, and Rabbits though are going to get along as they have a harmonious year ahead.

If you want a more reliable fortune telling though it is best not to totally depend on animal astrology. A better assessment would be with the Four Pillars of Destiny to see what the year of the pig will bring. This uses your full birth information (hour, day, month and year) as opposed to just what animal you were born under. You may find more detailed information on clashes with the month day and hour rather than just the year.

In terms of how the financial world will do in 2019, there is also trouble indicated there. This is because of the Yin Earth's dominant energy which will have an impact on global finances and stock markets. Be prepared to have Feng Shui Earth cures ready to help avoid losses and to try and still increase your income in such a market.

About is a popular feng shui online store with huge variety of quality feng shui goods. They provide yearly feng shui and flying star forecast to help readers get ready for the new year. Learn more about the 2019 feng shui forecast at

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Anna Lee
Penang, Malaysia