Hiphop manager and credit The One And Only Guru Cp dollars set to release new music

Hiphop manager and credit The One And Only Guru Cp dollars set to release new music and credit seminars in the immediate future based around his album and strategies on how to leverage credit.


Cp dollars is the former consultant for rap superstars Bo deal and rapper/credit specialist Bandman kevo. He is set to release legendary new music and is setting up credit seminars around the world free of charge all over the nation.

Aside from phenomenal music Cp Dollars also will be  Teaching people the value of tradelines.


And the best tradelines to purchase and how they work from a entry to advance level. As well as showing people how to get and leverage business credit. And business funding with no documents included. Which is an absolute steal for the price He’s charging. Also He was recently interviewed by Forbes. Co Doallrs Born in Chicago,Illinois he is one of Chicago's leading financial advisors and influencers. Follow him on youtube and Instagram @Cpdollars.


Make sure you check out Cp Dollars latest record along with his latest seminar to help leverage credit and maximize off future to endeavors to the furthest extent.

Media Contact: 

company name: CP Dollars

contact person name: CP Dollars

website: @CPDollars


city: Chicago

state: Illinois

country: USA